Monday, September 8, 2008

Welcome CPS Section 05

Dear Students,

Welcome to the GOVT-121 Section 05 Blog! This blog is for students in Jackie Kerr's Friday 1:15 discussion section of GOVT-121 Comparative Political Systems with Professor King, Fall 2008.

This is the forum for submission of required blog entries relating to the week's readings. This space can also be used to ask questions about the readings or lectures, prepare for exams, and engage in informal discussion of themes from class.

Before beginning to use the blog, please take a look at the Blog Guidelines that I have posted below.


1 comment:

Adrian Ace Bien said...

Hi Jackie,

First of all, thank you for resending the sign up link. Second of all, I have forgotten which two sections of blog I've signed up for. I'm fairly certain neither was for this week, but could you send out a list of people blogging for each week or point me to where I can find said list? Thanks a lot.
